Running Merchandise & Apparel
15% discount. Discount code is available to club members only
and is not to be shared with non-club members either verbally
or online. Please contact the president"at" for
the code.
ensure you receive the discount on your order, start by entering your
discount code into the "Enter your team's code" area first, hit
return and the discount should appear in your cart. If
at any time during the shopping period
"cancel order" is clicked,
it is necessary to re-enter the discount code.
Marathon Sports*
- located in Wellesley, Boston, Cambridge, Brookline, & Norwell
PR Running*
- located in Westborough
Trail shoes
Road Id
Road Runner Sports
Holabird Sports
Dion Snowshoes
- GFRC uniform provider
retailers offering Club members a discount
Race Schedules
Marathon Guide
Road Runners Club of America
Upcoming Races & Results
Grand Tree Race Series
Racing Grand Prix)
New England Trail Race Series
Also see our own New England Marathon &
Half Marathon
lists and our Trail
Race Calendar